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Vice "Fightland"

Targeting - Martial arts enthusiasts, sports fans.

Core Theme of the Campaign -

Highlights the appeal of martial arts and combat sports culture.

About the

Encourages engagement with martial arts and combat sports content.

Formula applied by the Campaign to elicit customer action -

Celebrates the intensity and discipline of combat sports.

Business Title

A Look at
the Campaign

Campaign: Vice "Fightland"

*Launch Year: Ongoing*

"Fightland" is a campaign by Vice, a global media company known for its edgy and immersive content. Launched as an ongoing initiative, this campaign embodies the idea that Vice offers a platform for exploring the world of combat sports, including mixed martial arts (MMA) and other fighting disciplines. It positions Vice as a source of in-depth and gritty storytelling within the world of combat sports.

Key Details:

1. Exploration of Combat Sports:
- The core concept of the campaign is to explore the diverse world of combat sports, shedding light on the athletes, cultures, and stories within this field.

2. In-Depth Coverage:
- "Fightland" did highlight Vice's commitment to providing in-depth coverage of combat sports, going beyond the surface and delving into the stories behind the fighters.

3. MMA and Beyond:
- The campaign did encompass a range of combat sports, not limited to MMA, showcasing the variety and richness of the fighting world.

4. Fighter Profiles:
- "Fightland" did feature profiles of fighters, their journeys, and the challenges they face both in and out of the ring or octagon.

5. Global Perspectives:
- Vice often offers a global perspective. The campaign did explore combat sports from different cultures and regions.

6. Raw and Gritty:
- "Fightland" did have a raw and gritty storytelling style that captures the intensity and authenticity of combat sports.

7. Community and Passion:
- The campaign did celebrate the passion and community of combat sports enthusiasts and the fighters themselves.

8. Multimedia Content:
- Vice is known for its multimedia content. "Fightland" did include videos, articles, interviews, and other immersive formats.

Should you find value in this succinct overview, you will appreciate access to 

An exhaustive analysis we have garnered elucidating the following 3 studies -

A. The comprehensive breakdown & precise elements that led to the campaign’s success

B. Intricate details behind the campaign to ensure you don't miss any valuable insights we've uncovered

C. Components required to execute a similar campaign or a campaign of equivalent magnitude at your scale
This shall be alongside an extensive compendium of these insights for more than 1600 additional successful campaigns. 
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